Joey Serricchio

Multimedia artist living and working in Los Angeles, CA.

About me

Born To Kill, 2022 | full video
Fishing lure hooks, glass eyes, paint, batteries, robotics, rocks, fish bowl, water.

Softly, 2024 | full video
wire, air-dry clay, thermal paint.

In Feeling, 2023
cardboard underwear packaging, plastic spider.

A thousand legs, 2023 | full video
wood, wire, clay, padlock, paint, toy robot, batteries.

Brace, 2023
yarn, sand.

A crocheted 50lb/22.6kg sandbag filled with sand.

Teeth that shred my shedding tongue, 2022 | full video
flip phone, foam, wire, gel paint, servomotor, LED, microcontroller, motion sensor.

luxury, 2022
vinyl print of mars.

Toxicant, 2022
sponges, rope.

My Own Dying Sun, 2022 | full video
candle, fire, batteries, paint, toy robot, plastic lid.

A six legged robot painted in a gritty ceramic texture carrying a deep red candle on its back that when burned leaves drips in its tray and on the ground.

live wire, 2020
wood, metal, electrical chord, paper, reflectors.

A 25ft long theatrical representation of a downed powerline presented symbolicaly on raised wooden blocks.

The blocks positioned the work like a wake and the powerline as the subject being morned. But the still "connected," to the walls of the space giving it a feeling of still having live current flowing through.

Talk Gay, 2019 | full video
cast plastic tongue, steel chain, steel pipe, dodge ball, wood board.

A self portrait of the artist. The interactive piece contains a metal chain attached to a bright pink tongue cast. When pulled the chain rattles in the pipe below the yellow dodge ball, when released the chain clanks down as it puckers the slit in the foam head.

Complete Separation, 2019
wood, tree.

The work was presented in the Sculpture Garden on Art Center's Hillside campus.

It stands at 13ft tall and 8ft long and is a theatrical, non-functional, representation of a guillating with a discarded sapling presented up for execution.

Wander, 2018
wood, railroad spike.

Thank you for looking through my work, if you’re interested in contacting me feel free to reach out through email to:


Contact @joeyfolio

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